艾丽:因为我不能… 我的确经历过。我无法证明,甚至无法解释,但是作为一个人类,我身上的每个细胞,告诉我,那是真的。我从中领略到了难以言喻的神奇,这永远改变了我。我看到的… 宇宙… 告诉我们…我们多么的渺小多么的微不足道,但是却是那么的稀少而珍贵。我所看到的告诉我们,我们都属于某些比我们伟大得多的东西,我们没有一个人是孤独的。 我希望…我能分享这一切。我希望…每个人,都能感受到那种敬畏、谦逊和希望,哪怕是一小会儿…… 这是我真诚的希望。
DAVID DRUMLIN: Ellie,I wish the world was a place where fair was the bottom line, where the kind of idealism you
showed at the hearing was rewarded, not taken advantage of. Unfortunately, we don't live in that world.
ELLIE: Funny…, I've always believed that the world is what we make of it.
KITZ: (Yelling) Then why don't you simply withdraw your testimony and concede that this journey to the center of the galaxy, in fact, never took place?!
ELLIE: Because I can't… I had an experience. I can't prove, I can't even explain it, but everything that I know as a human being, everything that I am tells me that it was real. I was given something wonderful, something that changed me forever; a vision of the Universe that tells us undeniably how tiny, and insignificant, and how rare and precious we all are. A vision that tells us we belong to something that is greater than ourselves. That we are not, that none of us are alone. I wish I could share that. I wish that everyone, if even for one moment, could feel that awe, and humility, and the hope, but... that continues to be my wish.